
  • 1.) Be an ecclesiastically certified person in good standing and be recognized as such by a recognized religious body.

    2.) Show a God-like compassion, understanding, and love for others, and relates easily to people.

    3.) Be tactful and considerate in approaching all people, regardless of race, sex, creed, or religion.

    4.) Maintain high spiritual and moral standards.

    5.) Be willing to minister to police officers.

    6.) Public Safety Chaplains must honor all confidential matters and are protected as described in Alabama Code 12-21-166 and Alabama Code 12-21-180.

  • 1.) A Public Safety Chaplain must be an ecclesiastically certified person in good standing and be recognized, as such, by a recognized religious body.

    2.) Have a minimum of 2 years of experience in the validated ministry.

    3.) Provide evidence that the chaplain candidate can demonstrate the needed emotional stability and that he or she can be tactful and considerate of people in all circumstances regardless of age, race, sex, disability, creed, or religion.

    4.) Shall never have been arrested and convicted of a felony and/or a misdemeanor involving force or violence or offenses involving moral turpitude. (A Public Safety Chaplains Committee on a case-by-case basis shall evaluate any incidents of the above.)

    5.) To ride in a Public Safety unit, a Chaplain must be capable and willing to follow instructions (both physically and mentally) given by the Public Safety Responder in emergency situations. This helps to lower the possibility of liability, avoid disciplinary actions, and it helps to ensure the safety of both the Chaplain and the Public Safety Responder.

    6.) The Public Safety Chaplain also shall include and be limited to any person who regularly, as a vocation, devotes, or has devoted (retired), a substantial portion of his/her time and abilities to the service of his/her respective church or religious organization.

  • Before riding in a Public Safety unit, all approved Chaplains must attend an orientation by all Public Safety Departments that are involved with the program.

    1.) Chaplains must agree to attend four (4) of six (6) in-service training sessions a year as scheduled by the Director of Chaplains or a Public Safety Department.

  • 1.) Chaplains shall submit a monthly report of service to the Director of Chaplains. Failure to turn in reports in a timely manner may result in being placed on inactive status.

    2. Chaplains shall endeavor to acquaint themselves with community resources that can be of assistance to both Public Safety personnel and the public we serve.

    3. Chaplains agree to serve ninety-six (96) hours per year, with an average of twenty-four (24) hours served per quarter. A team of two Chaplains will be in an on-call status for 24 hours a day for 7 days, as assigned by the Director of Chaplains. If you are unable to respond, HPD Communications must be advised. The next Chaplain in line will then be contacted. If that person is not available, HPD Communications will contact the Director of Chaplains. Failure to respond (without justification) during the chaplain’s on-call period could result in suspension from the program.

  • All Chaplains authorized to ride will be required to wear designated attire and identification badges. Chaplains will be supplied with a shirt and jacket that identifies them as Public Safety Chaplains.

To apply to the Chaplain program, please call Pastor Steve Lacy at (256) 604-6216 or email at SteveRLacy@gmail.com.